Art and technology have always been interrelated, but now is the time that we truly understand and work alongside technology from every aspect. We’re tackling the topic and calling in experts for insights and guidance about everything from digital marketing, selling art online, market trends, new technologies such as AI and blockchain, and how all of this can help us persevere in a new world.

TECH.MT X ARTZ ID presents a virtual two day event filled with inspiring conversations and hard-hitting workshops, for artists and art professionals looking to expand their digital know-how and footprint.

Through this collaboration we are also hosting a pitch contest competition with the chance of winning a 2,000 Euros prize, one to one mentorship sessions and more. Want in? keep scrolling. aims to position Malta as a quality, creative, tech-savvy country, and promote Malta as a suitable set-up for foreign direct investment, whilst also promoting the local technological industries abroad. shall be instrumental in taking the Technology industry to the next level, as it will seek to make the world notice the huge potential the technology sector in Malta has to offer as it boasts on the economic performance and financial stability of the island. We acknowledge that data is the new oil, wants to be part of the IOT evolution and be on the forefront of the global digital revolution that we are experiencing.