Nisġa – Storja Kontemporanja

The painting ‘Upper Barrakka Lift’ was selected to be part of the segment representing Cultural Landscape. The artwork was exhibited with works of prestigious names…

Girls will be Girls

TAKE I – Women capturing Women ‘With a genuine interest in people and their understanding, documentary comes as a natural passion. Only previously meeting their…

FIGURI POP-UP EXHIBITION 2019 FIGURI is created by three artists, Kelly Vella, Justine Ellul and Rebecca Gauci who fuse photography, fashion and an art installation – “Three souls…

Morning at Villa Frere

A collection of oil paintings inspired by Villa Frere to raise awareness and funds to protect the importance of the historical and cultural heritage. Works…

Sumi-e Painting, Gestural Figure Drawings

Through a deep engagement with Life class sessions, this ongoing series explores gestural figure drawings using the traditional Sumi-e concept and medium. A collection of…