MUZE X with Alistair Hudson on Anti-Exhibitionism

About Alistair Hudson

Alistair Hudson is the Director of the Whitworth and Manchester Art Gallery and co-director of the Asociación de Arte Útil — an expansive international project and online archive that forms part of the Uses of Art programmes. Alistair is best known for his vision based on the concept of the Useful Museum.


The conference is an international project developed by the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education at the University of Malta. Housed within the Faculty of Education (University of Malta), the Department of Arts, Open Communities & Adult Education seeks to engage different sectors of society by addressing cultural, political, artistic and 21st-century open educational practices, and by promoting local and international research within the broad spectrum of lifelong education. 

Six international voices from the museum world, each of whom shall be sharing views and perspectives about museum futures in six pre-conference webinar events.

Each speaker shall present a personal reaction to future challenges and ambitions during a dedicated webinar. Towards the end, Mike Murawski, change leader and committed advocate for more equitable and community-centred museums shall present his reflections on the presentation and discussion. The webinars shall be moderated by Prof. Carmel Borg and Dr Sandro Debono from the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education, at the University of Malta. 

The speakers have been  asked to react to the conference theme – ‘Shaping Museum Futures’ – through their very own lens, experience, advocacy and expertise. Knowing too well that this is the topic of the moment facing museums across the globe, the webinars shall hopefully contribute to the much-needed discussion about museums and their role in a post-COVID19 world. Learn more 

Alistair Hudson on Anti-Exhibitionism — The Fall of the Representational and the Rise of the Operational in Museum Culture

In this webinar Alistair Hudson will argue the age of the exhibition is now ending; the blockbuster is now untenable, the exhibition is possibly dead. Using examples from Manchester he will point towards a new ecology where the polarity of the museum shifts from one fixated with representation and the image, to one orientated more around social function, ethical aesthetics and emancipated usership — working not symbolically, but practically and positively beyond the frame, in and amongst the messiness of the world.

Watch Alistair Hudson on TEDx Macclesfield

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