Take me home part 2
Part 2 of the ongoing three-part traveling solo exhibition The exhibition will travel to key places which inspired and pivoted the work produced. The work…
Part 2 of the ongoing three-part traveling solo exhibition The exhibition will travel to key places which inspired and pivoted the work produced. The work…
Major Arcana themed Inktober! All drawn from imagination using pen, brush & ink on heavy-duty cartilage paper 22 drawings in 31 days – a tarot…
Take me home is the first solo show by UK-based Maltese illustrator and designer iella (Daniela Attard). Occurring in three parts: Malta, London and Sydney…
Recent lifedrawing, all from life. Short poses usually rendered in pencil and watercolour
Daily bird drawn in watercolour and pencil. The type of bird is generated via a randomiser.