The Fall of the Giant Hunter, Orion

Orion, in the myth described as a giant, strong, and the only one to have conquered nature. His demise comes from jealousy. Apollo, Artemis’ brother…

Life drawing

30mins life session, a drawing that is unfinished and will be displayed with other studies for Act Aeon which will open this week at the…

Artemis missing Orion

A life session long-pose drawing of a female model, this work was the basis for a painting called Artemis missing Orion. Yet, I did not…


Started off as a life session drawing, I decided to change the sitter into a hunter, probably to create a painting out of it.

Study for Diana (Artemis)

The first idea for the Goddess Diana. This small portrait is inspired by a relative of mine. Frontal, secure, rather simple, and showing an evocative…