woman, holding (2020) (installation element)
Part of Strangers in a strange land curated by Unfinished Artspace
The work addresses the algorithmic bias of commercially available image description and image creation services. Arranged into an ambiguous form that could be interpreted as a shrine, as a memorial, or as a futuristic display, the work engages with the inherent biases of commercial facial analysis and image-description services that are trained on highly biased data sets (such as Image Net or COCO dataset) and explore the consequent bias that comes with those data sets.
We may think of algorithms as somehow neutral, but ultimately not only have they been created by people who have their own biases and prejudices, but descriptive algorithms use data sets that contain the biases of people who have labelled the images have inherited biases about what type of person could likely be involved in a crime and what gender should be attributed to a doctor, lawyer and scientist.