
Size: 56cm x 39cm

Medium: Oil on Panel

Year: 2013

Both the painting technique and the subject matter of the artwork entitled ‘Shrine’ are the result of one of humanity’s perennial preoccupations, ‘What is Reality?’ Throughout the history of Western Art, artists made use of several techniques and methods to recreate reality in paint and marble, in the attempt to immortalise an image and/or a moment. Tanti takes on the same challenge by merging scientific knowledge with innovative painting techniques to create a hyperreal 3D painting that can be perceived as a real and tangible physical reality when seen through appropriate glasses. The viewer is faced with an uncomfortable display that in its silence and religiosity asks questions about mortality, eternal life, rite and superstition.

This painting was exhibited at DA01 – Old University Campus, Valletta, 31st May – 21st June 2013 & HUMAN – Blitz Gallery, St.Lucy Street, Valletta, 14th September – 9th October 2013

This painting is now part of the MUŻA collection.


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