Art Business? Plan it, Do it!

Whether you are an artist, an art advisor or perhaps you love the arts and want to turn it into your full-time professional career, you can! You just need to plan it. Yes it can seem like a very challenging task but just like any other freelancers or startup you are the machine and with the right tools you can drive it to success

Here are some suggestions we think can help you take things into action:

Here are some suggestions we think can help you take things into action:

Set your Direction

Even if you are still unsure of what you want to do and how you can sustain yourself financially doing it, start planning it and polishing your ideas on paper. Firstly, ask yourself why you want to do this? what is your ultimate goal? then start breaking it into smaller achievable goals which will help you be less overwhelmed.

Research & Business plan

It can be daunting at first but we promise that once you get started writing a business plan, you will love seeing your vision come to life! Do not rush it, take your time. Your business plan will change no matter how hard you try and perfect it. Experience will teach you what works best, however, the right market research will give you a clear direction. Start your business plan by asking yourself over and over again: what is the main goal? what are the pain points you are solving? Then once you have mastered that you can move on to the ‘how’.

Setting concrete and realistic revenue streams is what will allow you to sustain your venture. If your revenue is based on the assumption of just selling art, you might want to re-think rethink your model. Try and find new ways how you can generate revenue not relying on just one income stream. 

Create your identity

Creating your identity is like creating a brand. Something people can relate to or remember. Whether it’s a logo, tone of voice, colour pallet or just the way on how you post your photos on social media. Creating an identity is as important as the work you present. If you’re an artist make sure your work reflects your identity and your images are always of good quality.

Start Networking

Get yourself out there and share your ideas and work with others. Be present at events, exhibitions and workshops. Let people get to know you and what you are doing. This builds trust and credibility, a very important stage especially if you are new to the community. However, being new or not networking will always be part of your to-do list in order to grow organically. If you are more of the reserved type get people who can connect you or support you through the process.

Get Feedback

Listen, Listen Listen! Your audience is your guide to which direction you should take. Getting defensive won’t help, allow yourself to understand the feedback given and evaluate it. Your path will keep on changing depending on how your audience reacts to whatever you are doing. If you feel there is no engagement then you need to address it or else it will not change.

Keep Creative

Keep yourself active and creative. Come up with new projects, or initiatives. This will keep your audience on the edge and constantly waiting for your next step. It can get tiring and you will need short breaks however restrain yourself from dying out. Keep your social posts going even if not as frequent.

Always remember that the best view comes after the hardest climb. The more energy you will input in whatever you are doing the bigger the outcome will be. If you’re an artist you probably tend to be very protective of your work, which is absolutely understandable however if this restrains you from putting yourself out there then get people who can help you do it. On the other hand if you are just starting off  your career as an art professional or leader always remember that you are no alone even if it feels like so, surround yourself and collaborate with like minded individuals in your community. This will give credibility and a support system in the near future.   

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